If You Didn’t Already Have Ways To Incorporate Star Wars Into Everyday Life…
Published by DK and written by Christian Blauvelt, these Star Wars books do just as the title suggests: Help you to incorporate everyone’s favorite far away galaxy into your very own. Be More Vader and Be...
This Is The Ultimate Star Wars Coffee Table Book
TASCHEN, publisher of art-books and some of the coolest coffee table books you’ve ever seen, is now taking pre-orders for it’s next masterpiece: The Star Wars Archives: 1977-1983. Paul Duncan, the...
Star Wars Kirigami Will Blow Your Mind
Marc Hagan-Guirey, AKA Paper Dandy, is a mastermind when it comes to the beautiful and mind-blowing art of Kirigami. Kirigami is an off-shoot of origami, but includes making methodical cuts in the paper along with...
New York Times Created the Greatest Coffee Table Book Ever
It's time to put away your "Creatures of the Deep Sea" and "World's Most Interesting Doors" and purchase the...

Mace Windu Fans Rejoice! New Marvel Miniseries Coming In August
Illustrator Denys Cowan and writer Matt Owens are giving us a glimpse into the life of one of our favorite Jedi Council members. A brand new 5-issue miniseries from Marvel is going to show us Mace Windu in action...
Captain Phasma Marvel Miniseries and Novel (What Happens After the Trash Compactor)
Well it’s about time. I think I speak for a lot of Star Wars fans when I say I was a bit disappointed that so little was shown of Captain Phasma in The Force Awakens. Really? Taken over by a few dudes and a...
Marvel Darth Vader Comic Continues From Revenge of the Sith
Ever wondered what our favorite Sith lord is thinking and feeling after the events of Revenge of the Sith? Well now you’ll be able to in Marvel’s brand new comic, Darth Vader. Issue one of the series...
Rebel Rising: The Backstory of Jyn Erso
Disney has announced a new, upcoming novel that will explain the backstory of the Star Wars universe’s newest heroine, Jyn Erso. Authored by Beth Revis, a New York Times bestselling author, Rebel Rising will...
Star Wars Propaganda: A History of Persuasive Art in the Galaxy
Compiled and authored by Pablo Hidalgo, an authority in Star Wars lore, Star Wars Propaganda: A History of Persuasive Art in the Galaxy encapsulates a beautiful collection of Star Wars inspired publicity. Included...
New Variant Art Released for Darth Maul Comic
A brand new five-issue mini series is being soon released about the infamous Darth Maul. Written by Cullen Bunn and designed by artist Luke Ross, the series will be about the events of Darth Maul’s life...