I think I speak for many a Star Wars fan when I say that the Mos Eisley Cantina scene is one of those that makes you wish you actually lived in that beloved galaxy far, far away. The sights, the sounds, the creatures, the vibe all tell of a most intriguing world that we so badly want to be a part of. Josh Agle — or as you might know him, the artist SHAG — doesn’t help to curb that appetite one bit. His beautiful illustration of the cantina scene, titled “A Wretched Hive,” only accentuates that desire.

Art by Shag, © Disney.
Although the artwork was released more than a year and a half ago now, I recently purchased a shirt at Disney Springs featuring this art and had to feature it here on Forcenvy. It’s such a great piece and several of the products featuring it are still available on the Disney Store! Also, if you happen to find yourself at Walt Disney World, I spotted “A Wretched Hive” products in the art section of Marketplace Co-Op in Disney Springs and The Art of Disney shop in Epcot.

MakingStarWars.net posted a pretty cool interview with SHAG back in February here. Go support SHAG and pick up some goodies featuring his eye-catching rendition of the Mos Eisley Cantina! Click below to start shopping.
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