As if they hadn’t done enough damage to our wallets, Bandai is releasing yet another line of snap-together, Star Wars model kits. Last year, in sync with Rogue One’s release, Bandai released a line including Poe’s X-Wing, the A-Wing and more through their newly acquired U.S. distributor, Bluefin. But they’re not stopping there. Bluefin has released pictures of the second wave of Bandai Hobby kits and boy is it drool-worthy. The vast array of ships and vehicles include Boba Fett’s Slave I, Darth Vader’s Tie Advanced and the Millennium Falcon. Each kit comes with interchangeable parts, like multiple landing gears for the X-Wing and different canopy options for the Snow Speeder. And don’t forget the AT-AT which can be posed into it’s post-tripped position. Bandai went to great lengths to make sure you’re getting a movie accurate product. In fact, one of their goals in creating each kit was to allow the user to position and hold a vehicle in any position they saw in the movies and have it look exactly the same. And the beautiful part is that anyone can snap these bad boys together and the insane detail won’t change.

The collection is slated to be showcased at this year’s Toy Fair in New York. Enlarge the images to drool over the details or watch a video below highlighting Bandai’s creative process in making these works of art.

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