Jeronimo Gomez has done something truly glorious. For a re-imagining Star Wars challenge, he has beautifully merged two of his favorite movie franchises (and two of ours as well): Star Wars and Blade Runner. And he couldn’t have been more spot-on. From the Aurebesh marquee on R2-D2 to the “Renegade Leia helmet” to the wet and neon-bathed cityscape in the background, this artwork shows us exactly what a Dark-Side Luke Skywalker would look like in the Blade Runner universe. It’s mind-bending, jaw-dropping and we truly appreciate Jeronimo Gomez for creating such a magnificent piece. Here’s what he has to say about it:

"Here is my 2d submission for the “Re-Imagining Star Wars” CG Plus challenge – decided to mix my two favorite movie franchises: Blade Runner and Star Wars. I used a bunch of different techniques – (a lot of them learned from Maciej Kuciara’s Learn Squared class). I still see a bunch of things I can be nit picky about, but I had to get this thing done."
— Jeronimo Gomez

Enlarge the image and let your eyes get lost in the details. Notice Luke’s fingers still glowing from using force lightning and his victim electrified on the ground. See the pink glow coming from Leia’s helmet or the Twi-Lek being shot down by her blaster. It’s too good! You can also check out some of the steps to his design process or even order a print at Jeronimo’s Etsy page below. Job well done, Jeronimo!

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