Disney has announced a new, upcoming novel that will explain the backstory of the Star Wars universe’s newest heroine, Jyn Erso. Authored by Beth Revis, a New York Times bestselling author, Rebel Rising will delve into Jyn Erso’s upbringing alongside Saw Gerrera and her path leading up to the Jyn we see in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Here is the official synopsis:

When Jyn Erso was five years old, her mother was murdered and her father taken from her to serve the Empire. But despite the loss of her parents she is not completely alone — Saw Gerrera, a man willing to go to any extremes necessary in order to resist Imperial tyranny, takes her in as his own, and gives her not only a home but all the abilities and resources she needs to become a rebel herself.


Jyn dedicates herself to the cause — and the man. But fighting alongside Saw and his people brings with it danger and the question of just how far Jyn is willing to go as one of Saw’s soldiers. When she faces an unthinkable betrayal that shatters her world, Jyn will have to pull the pieces of herself back together and figure out what she truly believes in…and who she can really trust.

You can expect Rebel Rising to hit shelves on May 2nd, 2017. And if you just can’t wait until then (like us), you can read the first two chapters of the book online right now for free! Click below to start reading.

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