The Emoji Force Awakens Video by Disney Is Actually Super Cool
We got a chance to watch Star Wars The Force Awakens as told by Emoji and it was seriously great. They basically take Star Wars emoticons and re-create the storyline of The Force Awakens, but in a very creative...
Watch the Newest Trailer for The Last Jedi. Are You Sitting Down?
The latest trailer from Star Wars leaves us with even more speculation than before. Is Rey going to the dark side? Will she become a sith? Do Porgs have force capabilities? December 15th can’t come any sooner!

Drool Over the Latest Battlefront II Space Battle Teaser
We’ve known for months now that Battlefront II will include some pretty epic space battle gameplay, but EA just gave us more to salivate over. In this teaser trailer, you’ll see some breathtaking game...
Mos Eisley Cantina Art by SHAG Makes Me Wish I Was a Galactic Smuggler
I think I speak for many a Star Wars fan when I say that the Mos Eisley Cantina scene is one of those that makes you wish you actually lived in that beloved galaxy far, far away. The sights, the sounds, the...
The Sperry Star Wars Sneaker Collection Features Ralph McQuarrie Art
There’s been numerous brands that have celebrated Star Wars in shoe form in the past. Whether it be Vans, Adidas or even Crocs, they make it and we buy it. With that said, the shoe sector has gone a bit dark...

Beautiful Star Wars Postcards by LucyByDesign
Here at Forcenvy we love finding gems deep in the galaxy and bringing some much needed attention to them. This find comes from LucyByDesign, a freelance artist living in the UK. She pumps out some pretty...

Anovos’ Imperial Shock Trooper Helmets Are Gorgeous
Anovos never ceases to blow our minds with drool-inducing, screen accurate goodness and this Shock Trooper helmet is no exception. This thing has been created out of ABS plastic and created through a highly...

Empire Strikes Back / Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Mash-Up by Matt Ferguson
Here at Forcenvy we love mash-ups. We love good ones. This isn't a good one. It's a...